We are delighted to share that the use of Community Circles has become the norm in many classrooms at our school. A community circle is a safe, non-judgemental discussion space during which the teacher and students sit in a circle so that all members’ faces are all visible to one another. Mrs. Barbara MacKinnon has been using this concept daily for the last couple of years and has shared with staff the many benefits for our students she has observed. Mrs. MacKinnon uses community circles to build community within her classroom and can attest to the following benefits:
- It supports students' sense of belonging because they know they can contribute to the community's success and their voices are heard.
- It provides a way for all students to be included.
- It allows students to form and maintain positive relationships.
- It teaches students social skills, the importance of collaboration, and a sense of empathy towards others.
The overall impact of community circles on classrooms as well as academic achievement and behaviour is something to be experienced.
Mrs. MacKinnon has supported the implementation of community circles in many classrooms at all levels, elementary through high school. She has shared information with colleagues, modelled how it would work, and has continued to provide support as needed.
We are looking forward to further expanding this practice of community building to support our students’ well-being, achievement and success.