Learning Opportunities

Acadia University’s Summer Music Camps allow students to pursue their passion for music by participating in the Concert Band program and the Strings Festival. These are musicians of all ages and skill levels.
Summer Music Academies - Summer Music Academy (acadiau.ca)

Brigadoon Village is a facility located on Aylesford Lake in the Annapolis Valley and serves children and families from across Atlantic Canada. Brigadoon Village offers nine (9) weeks of summer programming for campers who have: Visual Impairments (in cooperation with APSEA), Congenital Heart Defects, Juvenile Arthritis (in cooperation with the Arthritis Society), Lost a loved one (Bereavement Camp), Asthma (in cooperation with the Lung Association), Kidney Disease (in cooperation with the Kidney Foundation), Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Cancer (in cooperation with the Canadian Cancer Society –Nova Scotia Division), Celiac Disease, Epilepsy
Brigadoon Village

Catapult cultivates new leaders who will make a positive difference in communities across Nova Scotia by focusing on students with natural leadership skills but whose life circumstances may create barriers to achieving their potential. Our world-class program inspires and empowers Nova Scotia high school students to reach their full potential.
Catapult Leadership Society | Fall River, Nova Scotia (catapultcamp.com)

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a non-competitive program in which participants set and achieve personal goals for community service, skills, fitness, and adventure. It is a great way to explore new interests and try new challenges you might not have done otherwise, and even stretch your 'comfort zone'. The Award is open to all young Canadians age 14 to 24.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award

Forum for Young Canadians - Would you like to contribute to the future of your community and your country? Are you interested in learning more about the decision-making process in Canada? Do you want to connect and create meaningful networks with others from across Canada who share interests and passions similar to yours? Join the Forum for Young Canadians community!
About Forum - Forum for young Canadians

Katimavik is Canada’s leading volunteer service organization for youth 17-21 years old. By taking part in one of their intensive volunteer service and learning programs, you will help change Canadian communities and be the difference. For six months, you will live with 10 other youth in one or two communities across Canada.
Katimavik - Home

Na Gaisgich Òga | The Young Heroes is a Gaelic mentorship program for youth, run by Colaisde na Gàidhlig | The Gaelic College, in partnership with Iomairtean na Gàidhlig | Gaelic Affairs of Nova Scotia. Applicants should be between 10 and 16 years old, show a keen interest in Gaelic language and culture, and be a resident of Nova Scotia. Graduates of Na Gaisgich Òga are eligible for a Grade 10 Leadership Credit.
Na Gaisgich Òga – Colaisde na Gàidhlig / The Gaelic College

NS Apprenticeship Agency - Earn money while you learn! As an apprentice, you receive a salary from the employer that hires you. This salary increases as each stage of the program is successfully completed. There are summer programs available for credit for NS High School students
Youth Apprenticeship | Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (nsapprenticeship.ca)

Nova Scotia Secondary School Students’ Association (NSSSA) is a non-profit, student-led leadership organization that produces energetic leadership conferences and opportunities for all high school students in Nova Scotia.
NSSSA – Leadership for students, by students.

Official Languages Programs (OLP-PLO) are a different way to learn and build skills in Canada’s two official languages. There are three programs to choose from, with various locations across the country. Each location offers a unique experience and setting.
Official Languages Programs OLP-PLO | Government-Funded Language Programs (englishfrench.ca)

Shad is a month-long program for grade 10 & 11s. Pan-Canadian classrooms with university level STEAM and entrepreneurship content and access to mentors. Selection process in place.
Limited spots available.
Shad Canada

University of Toronto Youth Summer Programs (Law & Medicine): A summer program for high school students who wish to experience what it is like to be a student at Canada`s top Medical and Law Schools. Students will have hands-on access to the academic and research professionals and programming in the same top-notch facilities our undergraduate and graduate students currently enjoy.
Youth Summer Program | University of Toronto Youth Summer Program (utoronto.ca)